Saturday, July 12, 2008

What have you been doing... Part 2

These are for 2008.

The two June weddings were a week apart.

This was for a young couple who graduated high school two weeks before the wedding.
We helped them plan, set up & decorate for about 100 people.
The waterfall was fun & a big hit!

This wedding was for a young couple in their late 70's. We didn't have a plan, we just brought our stuff & helped the groom's daughter and grandaughter set up & decorate for about 40 people. It helped that we had just done this the week before!

What have you been doing all this time???

I've been trying to figure out just how I've spent the past 17 months and I found some pictures that show some of what I've been doing.

These are for 2007.

Helped set up & decorate for baby shower April 2007

Plan, set up, decorate and host bridal shower May 2007

Helped decorate for LoveBug Day at our church May 2007
(included making 15-20 large lovebugs and 10-12 large ladybugs)

Helped set up & decorate for wedding June 2007

(This one was an interesting challenge as we had a large empty industrial building to turn into a wedding venue. It worked out surprisingly well. We just set up some specific focal points and ignored the rest. Besides, all eyes were on the bride & groom anyway :)

Planned decor, set up & decorated for wedding June 2007 (approx 200 people)

(Acted as stand in wedding coordinator the day of the wedding as the actual wedding coordinator - DD4 - was a bridesmaid. She's learning early that you just cannot be in two places at once.)

Helped plan decor, set up & decorate for 25th wedding anniversary July 2007

Helped plan, set up & decorate for wedding Oct 2007