It's amazing how quickly days and weeks slip by. I have found that catching up takes twice as long as keeping up and reading blogs others have written is MUCH easier than writing my own. I know that you are all shocked by these revelations. Here is a quick catch up of the last TWO MONTHS!
Christmas was great!
The program at church was one of the best ever and an amazing blessing.
Christmas day was a nice QUIET, restful day which we needed.
Our family gathering on the 28th was so wonderful- we got to see 4 out of 5 kids and 7 out of 8 grandkids. And, oh yes, a lot of other, very special friends and family members, too! (Love you all!) A red letter day, indeed!
This was the spread of food that fed our group of approx 40.

New Year's Eve, which I had been looking forward to for weeks was not so great. I managed to have a major hormone meltdown at the last minute so even though our special service at church was wonderful, I had a hard time enjoying it. I passed my camera off to my friend JC and she got some great shots of our church family enjoying the food and fellowship. Thanks, JC! You're a doll!
I did manage to snap this photo of our dance team in action.

We had some REALLY cold weather (for FL) and our daughter caught this evidence on film, er, pixels:
OK, it was from the faucet dripping all night but still- this is ICE people! Outside. In FL.
On Valentine's morning, I heard Beloved rustling what sounded like papers at the kitchen table behind me before he headed out to work at the church. He came to my chair and kissed me goodbye as usual. I finished my Bible study and went to the kitchen for breakfast and found this.

He had gone out that morning and picked them! Not an easy task in our wild, woodsy yard. I LOVE the addition of the yellow vine! I'm so glad he keeps coming home every night. For almost 30 years.
This is what he was headed out to work on:
Our church steeple decided that after over 20 years it had completed its task. Beloved and some other dear men from our church have been working to fabricate a replacement. Beloved's task was to cover the base with siding to protect it from the elements (which apparently contributed to the demise of the original) and of course, to make it look pretty. I think he did a beautiful job! Anyway, he was headed out to help install this masterpiece on the roof of the church. I was so pleased that none of the men involved exited the roof in an accelerated or hastily assisted manner.
There's more but it will have to keep for another day. I have blogs to read.