And AFTER I was THIRTY MINUTES LATE for the call back interview because I got LOST!
I actually worked for this same company over 30 years ago! My first interviewer figured out the math on that one pretty quick, seems he was BORN the SAME year that I worked for the company! Amazing!
So, I'm going to be a hostess for a major restaurant chain. Let me just say that their commercials always make me hungry! I've been working on getting my uniform pieces together - not exactly my style but PJ's weren't on the list of acceptable options, so...
And, I got my hair cut. I think Beloved had more angst about that part than I did. It wasn't a direct requirement of the job but it seemed like the best way to deal with a few job-related hair issues. The best part is that my hair is ALL my natural color now. Not exactly ONE color, mind you, but all natural nevertheless.
Anyway, I'm pretty excited about it all. At least when I'm not asking myself what in the WORLD was I thinking!? Basically, I'm in that place that is scary and exciting all at the same time. That place of totally depending on the Lord because I am in WAY over my head!
It's a good place.