Friday, November 10, 2006

Big Oct Event 2- The "Baby" got her license

There are not many places today where 22 is considered "old". Apparently the DMV is one of them. Particularly if you are just getting your license and your learner's permit is only a year away from expiring.
When our youngest got her permit at 16 we commented on the 7 year expiration date, laughing that she should be able to get her license in that time frame. Little did we know what the years ahead would hold and how close she would come to using all that time that stretched before her "way back then". Finally, though, the milestone has been reached and overcome. The "baby" is driving.
I've decided that this is a good thing. I've passed most of the "go" errands off to her and retired my chauffeur's hat. Yes, this is a very good thing!

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