Ever feel like you're on a runaway train? Or a passenger on the bus in the Speed movie? October just ended yesterday and before I could recover from the insanity it brought, November is gone. How does this happen? Is the universe on fast forward? Maybe it's just me. In perpetual high speed and the constant state of transition, or confusion, or both.I don't react well to change. Or quickly. Give me some time to think things over and I can come around to convincing myself that change can be a good thing. Just not right now. Maybe in a few minutes, or a couple of hours. Perhaps in a few days or sometime next week. How about after the first of the year? Yes, we can discuss change then. You say it's only February? Well, so much the better.
Problem is, I live in the wrong century to avoid change. It is relentless in it's continual flood of our world. As soon as I buy a product it is obsolete. The news that I heard this morning is irrelevant by evening. Even scienftific studies and medical breakthroughs are old news in an unbelievably short span of time. Change has conquered and the old is banished while the new is celebrated. For about 10 minutes. Then it becomes old too.
Change is not all bad and even some that looks bad initially can eventually be shown to have some redeeming qualities. The issue isn't really whether it is good or bad but simply that it must be dealt with. C0nstantly. And dealing with change is tiring. The worst part is that the time that it takes to deal with change is time taken away from other, more important things. Things like spending time with people you care about or helping others who need it. Perhaps just taking time to enjoy God's creation and marvel at the works of His hands.
I am so grateful that in all of this change one thing stands steady:
" Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. "
Hebrews 13:8
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