So, here I am trying to break through.
This is where reading other blogs brings inspiration. I was reading a post by Carmen from Mom to the Screaming Masses that showed a photo of her blogging area and thought, "I can do that". So here it is:

First, the process. Take a photo. Take two. Review of photo shows VERY MESSY desk. Clean up desk. Take another photo. Take two. Download photo from camera to computer. Download a bunch while you're at it (cause I haven't done that in a while either). Save photos. Begin to write post. Attempt to upload image. Realize it is saved in wrong format. Go back to photo program and save in more friendly format. Go back to blog and attempt to upload photo again. Look at desk and realize I have photographed sensitive personal information that I would prefer NOT to broadcast into cyberspace. Quickly stop upload. Go back to photo program and remove personal stuff. Return to blog and attempt upload for the third time. Continue writing blog content. Accidentally delete photo. Attempt upload a fourth time. Write about the process.
See, that was easy.
Now, about the (now clean) desk. (OK, I confess, I just moved the clutter out of camera range but this part looks great, don'tcha think?) Anyway, this is command central. This is where I conduct all manner of desk stuff that makes Beloved ask things like, "What do you DO all day?" It could be because when he sees me at my desk in the evenings I'm either reading blogs or playing games but I really do actual work stuff here. Not that I get paid for it very often but it's work nevertheless.
And apparently, I REALLY like sticky notes.
1 comment:
I LOVE sticky notes!
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