Thursday, August 31, 2006


I confess, I am a planner. I like to plan. I like to organize. I like lists and 3x5 cards and bright colored sticky notes- in all sizes and shapes. My sister has suggested that the inscription on my tombstone should read: "She made a list. She had a plan." I was hoping for something a bit more profound but at least it's accurate. I enjoy organizing a multitude of details into something orderly. For me, the planning is half the fun. Lesson plans & chore charts. Parties, showers, and weddings. Vacations, wardrobe plans & packing lists. Menus & grocery lists.
>>The Daily To Do List<<

Oh, sorry, I was drifting into List Land. I love it there! Now, where was I? Oh, yes, planning. I love a good plan. I make lots of great plans. Most of them never get beyond that point. Why? Life. Pure and simple. Life comes along and rolls right over my plans as if they weren't even there. Like the waves of the ocean wiping out a giant sandcastle. Now you see it, now you don't. Doesn't matter that I spent hours on that great plan. Doesn't matter that I finally got every box in the chart filled in just the right order and perfectly color coordinated. Doesn't matter whether the things in my plan were important or not. Nope, doesn't matter. God just lets Life roll right over everything.

The interesting thing is that when I just "go with the flow", set aside my great plans and allow the Lord to take over my schedule, Life becomes an adventure. I end up going places that I would never have thought to include in my plan. I meet people that I had no idea even existed. Relationships that had lain dormant are allowed to flourish and grow. Sometimes I even get to pick up pieces of information that will be helpful in solving a current or longstanding problem.

The very things that disrupted my plan provide the opportunities to complete the best plan of all- the one God designed for my life. I end up accomplishing more than I ever dreamed and collecting more true treasures than I ever thought possible. All because I let go of my Great Plan and let God be in control.

I think I better get a sticky note.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Who am I - part 2

Ok, here's why I have a hard time with this whole psuedonymn thing- I can't remember who I'm supposed to be if i'm not who I really am.
I sat down to enter Blogworld and couldn't remember who i was supposed to be here. *Shakes head and sighs* Sad.

(side note...dtr #4 just enlightened me re: the asterisk and action in cyberworld. I just felt the splash of a wave!)

I am always challenged when someone asks, "What do you do?" because the answer changes from day to day. Sometimes even within a day. We ask that question because we are trying to find out if we have common ground with someone in order to form a basis for a conversation, if not a relationship. It may not be much, but it's a start. When someone answers with three words that have 15 letters each, most of us smile, nod wisely and say something brilliant like, "Wow". Conversation then moves on to other stimulating topics such as the weather or the latest insurance commercials.

I can state most emphatically that what I do has very little to do with who I am. (This may or may not be an accurate assessment but it is indeed emphatic.) Usually I do what needs to be done next within the scope of my abilities. Sometimes that contributes to the family coffers and sometimes it doesn't. It always contributes to my personal growth in some way. Often it is in doing the things that I would never choose that I find myself stretched and my heart enlarged in some way. It is when I have come to the end of my strength or ability to continue that I am pressed to reach out to the Lord and find a ready and willing ally. When I have come to the end of myself I find that He is just beginning.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Who am I?

My computer is constantly asking me who I am. In fact, every time I go someplace new in cyberworld they ask who I am. My name does not seem to be sufficient- I must have a Username and a Password that needs to be changed on a regular basis. My Username must reflect who I am but not actually reveal my true identity. My Password must be something that I can remember (HA!) but not something that someone else might be able to figure out. All of this because of security.
There seems to be a hot market for stolen names these days. I don't understand this. Most people are given three or more when they are born. They often pick up several others as they go through school, get married, join the military or enter the work force. Just how many names does one person need? And what happens to them? Do they wear out? Do they break? Are they lost, perhaps inadvertently left behind when one is shopping or on vacation?
When I was a child I would have gladly given someone my name. I wore it like a pair of shoes that were too big but had been laced up so tight that the middle pinched while the heel rubbed up and down creating a blister. It just didn't seem to fit. Funny thing about growing up. Lots of things start to work right without you even realizing it. One day I woke up and realized that my name was just right for me. It fit me perfectly. And even more surprising, each year it seems more and more tailor made just for me.
So now, when Cyberworld asks me to rename myself, it is a real challenge.

Monday, August 28, 2006

New kid at the ocean

Remember the kid at the ocean who barely got one toe in the water, yelped & ran away? Eventually she may have gotten her ankles or even her knees wet, hopping tiny waves all the while. Then, when she least expected it, a big wave came along, splashed her all the way over her little head & took her breath away. It took all day but by the time mom yelled "Time to go!" you could hear her whine all the way down the beach as she scampered in and out and around the waves like she had grown up by the sea.

Welcome to my new blog. My ankles are damp and I'm not sure how long it will take for me and my blog to become friends but here we are.