Friday, September 29, 2006

Morning Symphony

Have you ever listened to the morning? When I took my walk this morning the Lord impressed me to just listen to the sounds around me. I thought this would be easy. After all, I only walk for 15-20 minutes. I could quiet my thoughts and just listen for that short time. It was amazing how many different sounds I heard – at least a half dozen different birds, squirrels, frogs, several kinds of bugs and a couple of engines just for good measure. Yes, this is relaxing, I can do this…Where are my thoughts? Oh, no, I’ve wandered down some mental trail and I’m mulling over one of many issues in my life.
Not listening.
Ok, back to concentrating on the sounds. Birds, yes, there are the birds, oh, and a chattery squirrel. A symphony of sounds, this is great, what a beautiful morning… now where am I? Another thought trail.
*Sigh* This is going to take some practice.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Ever notice how life can change in just an instant? One moment you are going in a certain direction with a particular goal in mind and the next moment all previous thoughts are gone and life has changed forever. For instance:

your car stops and the one behind you doesn't
there are two blue lines on the stick
you are walking along and suddenly your feet are no longer underneath you but the ground is rushing at you with amazing speed
your beloved whispers "will you marry me?"
the doctor says "your tests were positive"
your daughter says, "guess what, mom, we're getting married"
the doctor says, "it's a boy!"
your beloved comes home from work and announces a wonderful promotion - 500 miles away
your son says, "Dad, I joined the army"
the doctor says, "I'm sorry, we did everything we could"

Life will never be the same. Even if the particular life changing episode comes to an end, the very act of going through it will leave you changed. Hopefully wiser, stronger, braver and closer to the God who loves you and has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. Every day brings a new challenge - some good, some not so good and some excruciatingly painful. It is how we respond to those challenges that determines whether we will become better or bitter.
Personally, I think life is too short to waste it on being bitter and I have LOTS of room to get better, sooo..... let the adventure begin!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

It's hard to find good help

My file clerk is giving me trouble again. She is SUPPOSED to keep my cranial files in order and pull up words and information when I need it. You know, the important questions like 'Who was the guy who played the captain on Love Boat?' or ' Where did I put the car insurance policy?' or 'Where did I put the car?'. She is also SUPPOSED to keep a steady supply of appropriate words on hand during a conversation.

Hi, Mary!
Hi, Sue!
How is your family?
Oh, great, we went out last night to... you know, to one of those places where you eat popcorn, they turn out the lights and you watch all those pictures move on the wall... Oh, what's it called?
You mean a movie?
Yeah, Yeah, a movie!!!
Was it any good?
Was what any good?

A good file clerk would NOT leave you hanging like that. She would not make you play verbal charades. But mine does. I don't know if she sleeps on the job, takes frequent long breaks or if she is just rearranges all the files for kicks. Sometimes I suspect the latter. Especially when I reach for a word and am met with a blank. Nothing. Thin air. Sometimes I latch on to whatever comes to mind just to fill the void and move on. It makes for interesting interchanges.

Mother: Janey would you please go put these clean clothes in ( .............) the refrigerator?

Wife: Dear, would you please hand me the salt for my (.................) socks?

The woman has a warped sense of humor. I would fire her but I can't find a replacement. If you hear of a good prospect tell her to call me. My number is in the (................) laundry basket.