Saturday, May 09, 2009

In Search Of Peace

DD4 went shopping this week and found the cutest dress. Prefect color, adorable style and it was so… her. Until she put it on. It just didn’t fit. No matter how long she stared in the mirror or shifted, tugged and adjusted, it still didn’t fit.

That’s the story of my job. Or I should say the job that wasn’t. I REALLY wanted to take that job. But it didn’t fit, no matter how much I tried to tell myself that I could make it work. If only I had listened to the Lord. Or consulted Him first. It’s taken me two months to post this because I hate to admit all this.

I went looking for a job out of fear instead of faith. And, since I have free will, the Lord let me do my thing. So I got a job. A really good job. But in getting what I wanted (or thought I needed) I lost my peace. From the day I got the job my spirit was troubled and I could not get settled. I tried to tell myself that it was just new job jitters or maybe it was the enemy trying to steal my victory. (Yeah, that’s it; it must be all the devil’s fault.) But it wasn’t. It was mine.

When I FINALLY listened to the Lord and gave up the job, a peace flooded my heart. I have committed myself to seek God FIRST, BEFORE I go looking for anything else to do. Right now, the best use of my limited physical resources is to continue putting our house in order so that it will be more accessible to potential buyers.

I have plenty of work and no lack of peace. Everything else I will take day by day and trust God to provide in His way and in His time.