Friday, September 29, 2006

Morning Symphony

Have you ever listened to the morning? When I took my walk this morning the Lord impressed me to just listen to the sounds around me. I thought this would be easy. After all, I only walk for 15-20 minutes. I could quiet my thoughts and just listen for that short time. It was amazing how many different sounds I heard – at least a half dozen different birds, squirrels, frogs, several kinds of bugs and a couple of engines just for good measure. Yes, this is relaxing, I can do this…Where are my thoughts? Oh, no, I’ve wandered down some mental trail and I’m mulling over one of many issues in my life.
Not listening.
Ok, back to concentrating on the sounds. Birds, yes, there are the birds, oh, and a chattery squirrel. A symphony of sounds, this is great, what a beautiful morning… now where am I? Another thought trail.
*Sigh* This is going to take some practice.

1 comment:

McMama said...

Wow. I'm impressed. I can't wait to read more of your stuff.

keep on blogging