Their mother adopted my husband last year and makes sure that he has a reason to get up in the morning and come home in the evening. You know, because he has to feed and pet the cat. She is CERTAIN that this is his purpose in life. She truly is the most affectionate cat I have ever seen. When we go out the back door, she comes running to meet us and fusses if we don't take the time to pet her sufficiently.
The kittens have been a joy and delight. We laugh as we watch them discover the world around them. They are about three months old now and exploring more and more each day. Socks has learned how to catch frogs. The other day she had one and brought it over to the one patch of concrete in the yard. I thought she was going to have a snack. Oh, no. She had captured a toy. And the smart little thing brought it to the one place in the yard where she could keep a close eye on it!
The other day we started to go outside and found this on the back steps:
From left to right: Skeered, Mama, Socks, Tux (aka Papa)
Tux actually belongs to a neighbor and probably has another name as well. He "visits" with Mama Kitty when the "mood" strikes. He was good enough to give the kittens some biology lessons last week. Funny, we haven't seen him since. Of course, once she visits the local Neuter Commuter he may not visit at all. Bummer.
We will have to send Baby KC to Camp Kitty. He loooooves kitties. He cannot get enough of our Baka. He wants to hold him, pet him, feed him, water him....you get the idea. Remember Baka is 13 years old and just annoyed that I got married....let alone had three kids and added a dog.
KC and Mama Kitty would have a fabulous time! He can chase the kittens and we can chase him. It'll be great! :D
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